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SMSC and British Values

SMSC at Ranvilles Junior School

Ranvilles Curriculum: ‘Exploring the World…Exploring Me…’ through SMSC

The Ranvilles curriculum is a body of knowledge that enables pupils to function, grow and contribute to the society they live in. Subject disciplines identify a line of progression and range of skills. Pupils learn – they practise. Pupils prove – they develop accuracy and fluency. Pupils perfect – they generalise and adapt to make rich connections. Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC) learning is the golden thread in the curriculum, underpinning the school’s fundamental beliefs and linking all learning purposefully in the Big Debate.

Every half term poses a debate question for every year group. Subjects are linked to the debate. Knowledge is explored with a sense of enjoyment and fascination as pupils learn about themselves, others and the word around them. They are encouraged to be reflective and open-minded to live the school vision:

Be You: Be bold, Be brave, Be open-minded

Explore: Be an ambitious, life-long learner

Excel: Be a positive change in the world

Children ‘live’ the curriculum intention by deliberating an SMSC line of enquiry that leads to the debate. They draw on the knowledge and skills explored over the half-term to inform their thinking. Articulating opinions, they communicate using ambitious vocabulary to extend thinking and construct viewpoints, deliberating over right and wrong and the complexities involved. Children listen with care and intent to alternate perspectives, drawing independent and well-rounded conclusions from a range of sources. The ‘Big Debate’, enables pupils to live the school values and foster their own, appreciating and respecting British Values (democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs).

Pupils connect learning in debates, practically employing a wide range of skills to ‘walk in someone else’s shoes’ to understand and appreciate the range of different cultures in Britain and in the world. Curriculum knowledge is used to think and evidence from alternate perspectives, to appreciate diversity. Pupils are learning today for the challenges of tomorrow, confidently living the school motto, ‘Be You…Explore…Excel!’ to make a difference in the world they live in.


Our Big Debates have been carefully crafted to build on depth, knowledge and understanding as the children move up the school. The Big Debate is facilitated at the end of every half term. Children deliberate a SMSC line of enquiry to ‘live’ the curriculum intention. They draw on the knowledge and skills explored over the half-term to inform their thinking. Articulating viewpoints, they communicate using ambitious vocabulary to describe their thinking and viewpoints. Conclusions are drawn having listened, with care and intent, to alternate perspectives. The Big Debate enables pupils to live the school values and foster their own, underpinned by British Values.

Please click on the buttons below to view the Big Debates of each year group and how the progression of our SMSC Golden Thread develops as the children learn at Ranvilles Junior School. The Overview of our Big Debate Golden Thread is to the top right.

The Ranvilles Big Debates

Year 3 Big Debate Overview

Year 3 Big Debate – Autumn Term 1

What is more important: physical, social, emotional or mental well-being?

Each half term’s Big Debate weaves all aspects of the Ranvilles Curriculum together. This is achieved through our SMSC Golden Threads, the Ranvilles Learning Values / STARS, key concepts of Stormbreak and three main curriculum drivers, whilst the whole Ranvilles curriculum is designed to contribute to the children’s progress made towards the Big Debate.

Year 4 Big Debate Overview

Year 4 Big Debate – Autumn Term 1

Identity and self-worth are influenced more by change than by context and culture.

Each half term’s Big Debate weaves all aspects of the Ranvilles Curriculum together. This is achieved through our SMSC Golden Threads, the Ranvilles Learning Values / STARS, key concepts of Stormbreak and three main curriculum drivers, whilst the whole Ranvilles curriculum is designed to contribute to the children’s progress made towards the Big Debate.

Year 5 Big Debate Overview

Year 5 Big Debate – Autumn Term 1

Belonging – we should all be free to move between countries.

Each half term’s Big Debate weaves all aspects of the Ranvilles Curriculum together. This is achieved through our SMSC Golden Threads, the Ranvilles Learning Values / STARS, key concepts of Stormbreak and three main curriculum drivers, whilst the whole Ranvilles curriculum is designed to contribute to the children’s progress made towards the Big Debate.

Year 6 Big Debate Overview

Year 6 Big Debate – Autumn Term 1

It is important that some personal information is in the public domain.

Each half term’s Big Debate weaves all aspects of the Ranvilles Curriculum together. This is achieved through our SMSC Golden Threads, the Ranvilles Learning Values / STARS, key concepts of Stormbreak and three main curriculum drivers, whilst the whole Ranvilles curriculum is designed to contribute to the children’s progress made towards the Big Debate.

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