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Personal, Social and Heath (PSHE) Curriculum

Our Intent, Implementation and Impact statement for the PSHE curriculum.

Coming soon.ย 

Our PSHE Curriculum Pathway, which outlines our subject map and the children’s learning intentions for all year groups.

Our PSHE Progressions of Skills and Knowledge. These are password protected. Please contact our team for access.

Relationships and Sex Education (RSE)

Our Relationships and Sex Education Learning Journey, which outlines our subject map and the progression of skills across all of year groups.

Our Relationships and Sex Education Content Overview, which outlines the content for each year group and illustrates how skills and knowledge build progressively throughout all year groups.

Information for Year 3 parents outlining the coverage of RSE.

Information for Year 4 parents outlining the coverage of RSE.

Information for Year 5 parents outlining the coverage of RSE.

Information for Year 6 parents outlining the coverage of RSE.

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