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Behaviour & Personal Development

We are committed to developing exceptional behaviour and attitudes to help children make positive choices. We value each other, nurturing diversity and equality. We have high expectations of each other to be the very best that we can be.

Children learn in a safe, calm and orderly environment. Clear and systematic routines underpin our high expectations. We encourage children to make the right choices, to consider alternative viewpoints and to be respectful. Learning is not disrupted and bullying, harassment and violence is never tolerated. We focus on children being kind, capable and courageous through a curriculum which explores self-identity in a diverse world.

We believe that children should:

  • Be happy and safe spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically.
  • Have a positive identity and feel good about themselves; confident to practise new skills and develop talents.
  • Maximise what they are capable of both independently and interdependently.
  • Show respect for each other upholding rights and responsibilities.
  • Communicate positively with consideration and courage to uphold values.

Personal Development Maps

To achieve our Behaviour and Attitude values we have broken skills into achievable steps. Steps support children to implement sophisticated interpersonal skills. Teachers weave these skills through the curriculum ensuring learners have opportunities to actively engage, practise and evaluate.

Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6

Behaviour at Ranvilles

We have 3 school commitments:







The high expectations we have of our children are upheld every day. Every day is a new day. Our Behaviour Policy explains how we implement consequences should children make wrong choices. Education is critical to ensure children genuinely understand and value collaborative commitments; we always invest time to ensure our shared expectations are valued.

Behaviour Expectations

1) We have high behaviour standards and expect all pupils to behave well so that learning is never interrupted.

2) We expect parents to support and value our behavioural code to secure high standards for all.

3) We encourage responsibility and hold pupils to account for behaviour choices.

4) We do not accept, stand for or tolerate verbal, racist, physical or bullying behaviour.

5) We foster kindness, diversity, understanding and acceptance to promote positive behaviour.

6) We believe that pupils should receive the support and accountability they need to excel.

View our Behaviour for Learning Policy
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