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Parent and Pupil View

Parents and Carers Matter

  1. We want to know what you think we do well.
  2. We want to know how you think we can improve.
  3. We want to work in partnership with you to deliver the best education for your child.

Your opinion matters and can make a difference.

John Hattie, a renowned educator, published influential academic research noting, ​“the effect of parental engagement over a student’s school career is equivalent to adding two or three years to that student’s education.” Parents and carers have unique knowledge of their child. Their views and experience contribute to the overall picture of needs and contribute to the best way of supporting children with their learning and development.

When parents are involved in children’s education, they do better on a wide range of measures.

These positive effects include:

  • Better behaviour
  • More confidence and greater self-esteem
  • Higher attendance rates
  • A lower risk of exclusion
  • More enthusiasm about learning
  • Better results

When schools and parents listen to each other and work together, they have a really positive impact on attainment and student well-being. This is why it is so important that schools work in partnership with parents, from a child’s first days at school, right through to when they leave.

Parent and Carer Feedback Surveys

Parents and carers are always welcome and encouraged to contact us to share any feedback at any time – please see our contact page for the best person to connect with – we are always happy to help.

We will also invite you to feedback your thoughts through three planned questionnaires over the academic year. The questionnaires will follow the Open Mornings giving opportunities to look at your child’s work and meet with key staff.

The purpose of the questionnaires is to:

  1. Maximise the opportunities of partnership
  2. Evaluate the impact of our work
  3. Include parental perspectives in any future improvements we make

To view the survey results and responses please click on the appropriate Year Group tabs below.

Autumn 2024

Summer 2024

Autumn 2023

Strengths identified by parents and carers:

You said…

What we are doing in response…

A small percentage of parents and carers feel their child is not coping well mixing with new friends.

  • If you have a concern regarding friendships, please contact your child’s class teacher, who can facilitate provision to help them to feel happier and with positive friendships.
  • Our Home-School Link Worker, Ms. Turner (Miss T) is available everyday to support your child. She is the lead adult at break times and lunch times and will be able to support at these unstructured times.
  • If concerns persist, your child’s class teacher or Miss T will escalate your concerns to Ms. Lenaghan, who can co-ordinate additional provision, such as ‘Secure and Happy’ Green Star Friendship Groups, ELSA or a referral to our School Counsellor, to support your child further.

A small percentage of parents and carers were not sure who to contact should they wish to share a concern.

  • We have increased the provision provided by our Home School Link Worker Miss T – to provide greater opportunities to connect with families.
  • We have outlined the varied strategies we provide on our Home / School Partnership website page.
  • We ensure class teachers are available to speak to on a daily basis at pick-up. Class teachers can also be contacted via ClassDojo.
  • We have increased Senior Leadership Team presence at pick-ups and drop-offs – come and chat to Mrs. Williams, Mr. May or Ms. Lenaghan or message us on ClassDojo.
  • We hold regular meetings with the Governing Body who support and challenge the Leadership team to always consider how we could improve our systems and how we respond to concerns.

Miss T, our Home-School Link Worker. Catch Miss T on the main gate every morning or contact her via ClassDojo.

A small percentage of parents and carers did not value the Ofsted report of October 2024.

  • Please read our latest Ofsted report – click here.
  • We are pleased with the evaluation of the school by Ofsted. If you, as parents and carers, have any questions or concerns, please contact us, either face-to-face, by phone or via ClassDojo and we will be happy to help.

Pupil Feedback Surveys

Pupil voice can contribute to a school’s improvement, and here at Ranvilles we involve pupils in self-evaluation, planning, and decision-making processes. At three times a year, once-per-term, we formally ask children to contribute their opinions through conducting a survey. Pupils are asked questions focusing on different themes. They are asked whether they feel safe and happy at Ranvilles, and whether they know the three school rules and the core school values. Pupils are asked whether they enjoy learning in school, what their favourite subjects are and why, and whether they are proud of their achievements. Pupils are asked whether they understand the learning systems and processes, such as through ‘Practice – Prove – Perfect’ and how effective they find the resources that are available for them to use. Pupils are asked whether they feel teachers and teaching assistants help them to learn. Pupils’ responses are collated and analysed so all staff can take appropriate action, so that Ranvilles Junior School can be the best it can be.


Summer 2024 survey

Please see below for a summary of the results from each class. Each set of results has been collated and analysed, informing the three key strengths identified and one area for development as identified by each class.

Ofsted Parent View

Ofsted Parent View gives you the chance to tell Ofsted what you think of your child’s school, including:

 – how happy your child is at the school

 – how the school manages bullying or challenging behaviour

If your child has special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), the questionnaire will ask how well Ranvilles supports them.

The questionnaire can be completed at any time – you don’t have to wait until the school is being inspected. Your voice matters.

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