Our Intent, Implementation and Impact statement for the Religious Education curriculum.
Our Religious Education Curriculum Pathway, which outlines our subject map and the children’s learning intentions for all year groups.
Our Religious Education Progressions of Skills and Knowledge. This document outlines the curriculum overview, unit coverage and progression of skills throughout Ranvilles Junior School.
The End of Year outcomes define what children and young people are expected to have encountered in each year. They must be used to describe what children and young people will have experienced and, as a consequence, be able to do at the end of the unit. These expectations have been set by HIAS in the Living Difference IV document.
Living Difference IV is the agreed syllabus for religious education in Hampshire, the Isle of Wight, Portsmouth and Southampton. It describes an approach for teaching, seeking to explain the educational value not only of children engaging with new material intellectually, but also of them becoming better able to discern what is desirable for their own lives, and with others, for the world.