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Our Curriculum

Our Curriculum: Exploring the World… Exploring Me…

The Ranvilles curriculum is a body of knowledgeand skills that enables pupils to function, grow and contribute to the society they live in.

Our school vision

Our School Values: Ranvilles STARS

The Ranvilles curriculum is a body of knowledge that enables pupils to function, grow and contribute to the society they live in. Subject disciplines identify a line of progression and range of skills. Pupils learn – they practise. Pupils prove – they develop accuracy and fluency. Pupils perfect – they generalise and adapt to make rich connections. ‘Practise, Prove, Perfect’ interventions also offer daily opportunities to secure learning in the long-term memory.

Pupils connect learning in debates, practically employing a wide range of skills to ‘walk in someone else’s shoes’. Curriculum knowledge is used to think and evidence from alternate perspectives to appreciate diversity.

Robust and rigorous whole school systems drive an ambitious commitment to secure great learning experiences and outcomes, enabling all pupils to maximise their potential.

Our curriculum intention aims are:

  1. Explore and learn about the world, looking outwards with an open mind to embrace diversity, inclusion and belonging.
  2. Ask questions to build, deepen and secure knowledge while extending vocabulary and skills through subject disciplines.
  3. Learn and value rights, respect and responsibilities through Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC) lines of enquiry.
  4. Sequence ideas, Think critically, Articulate precisely, Respond respectfully, Synthesize collaboratively – employ school values to connect learning in the half termly ‘Big Debate’.
  5. Appreciate how social, emotional, academic learning and the arts, facilitate opportunities to learn today for the challenges of tomorrow.

The Ranvilles curriculum is aspirational. It is biased and shaped to meet the individual, contextual and holistic needs of all pupils. Formative assessment is used constructively to secure ambitious objectives, supporting learners to maximise their abilities.

Systematic and cumulative knowledge and skills acquisition is carefully planned for in spiral subject discipline pathways. Learners embrace the concept of practising, proving and perfecting to deepen their understanding to secure mastery of core and specialist knowledge and skills. They are encouraged to recall, apply and build knowledge through EPIC learning skills.

Summative assessment has a clear purpose, analysing the depth of learning at key points. Outcomes identify learning that is secure, that requires revision and that needs consolidation. These needs are then planned for and met through Ranvilles Learning for Success Provision that identifies and breaks down universal, group and bespoke provision. Formative assessment enables teachers to personalise learning and craft independent tasks that illustrate variation, breadth and depth.

Knowledge, built across all subjects is put to good use in the SMSC ‘Big Debate’ at the end of each half term. SMSC lines of enquiry strengthen and connect the curriculum intent. Children further ‘live’ the curriculum intention by deliberating a specific SMSC line of enquiry that links subjects and context like a golden thread. Learners draw on the knowledge and skills explored over the half-term to inform their thinking. Articulating opinions, they communicate using ambitious vocabulary to extend thinking and construct informed viewpoints. Children listen with care and intent to alternate perspectives, drawing independent and well-rounded conclusions. The ‘Big Debate’ enables pupils to live the school values and foster their own encompassing British Values.

Knowledge, built across the subject disciplines, is utilised in the Ranvilles SMSC (Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural) ‘Big Debate’ at the end of a half term. The Big Debate connects key subject disciplines. Learners draw on the knowledge and skills explored across the curriculum to:

  • Sequence ideas;
  • Think critically;
  • Articulate precisely;
  • Respond respectfully;
  • and Synthesise collaboratively.

This process enables learners to positively push new boundaries in exploring the world. They also understand and appreciate the developmental knowledge and skills that can inspire a lifelong love of learning.

Children secure ambitious expectations, develop holistically and live and secure the school values. They are learning today for the challenges of tomorrow, confidently living the school motto, ‘Be You…Explore…Excel!’ with the ambition of their dreams. Robust and secure whole school systems enable colleagues to build on the expertise of each other, implementing a focused and shared provision to benefit pupils. Collaboration in teamwork fosters leaders at all levels and enables practice to be informed, evaluated and revised as appropriate to meet the vast and varying needs of all pupils.

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