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Mathematics Curriculum

Our Intent, Implementation and Impact statement for the Maths curriculum.

Our Maths Progressions of Skills and Knowledge. These are password protected. Please contact our team for access.

A Big Maths Problem…

… Every unit has one!

We bring maths alive through our Big Maths Problems. Learners rise to the challenge of real-life, practical maths problems at the end of every unit.

The Big Maths Problem enables pupils to:

  1. See and appreciate the whole maths journey
  2. Value the significance of the steps along the journey
  3. Practise specific domain skills to secure a depth of knowledge
  4. Link new learning with secured skills to promote confidence in application
  5. Appreciate and value the necessity and usefulness of maths problems in everyday life
  6. Challenge themselves to apply skills with accuracy and implement a variety of strategies including, working systematically and trial and error

We create excitement and enthusiasm in the classroom and a life-long love of maths!

Please click below to view example of our learners solving their Big Maths Problem:

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6

Maths Learning Behaviours

We live our school values through our EPIC learning attitudes. Our positive attitudes to learning are critical to ensure all children are successful learners in mathematics. Please see below to see how our children live our EPIC learning attitudes in maths.

E - Exploration and Evaluation

Encourage Big Questions – become ‘experts’ in our curriculum.


P - Perseverance

Positively Push New Boundaries – value mistakes as a trigger for new learning.

I - Independence

Inquire and Interrogate – think hard and dig deep in all of our learning.

C - Co-operation & Collaboration, Creative Thinking and Challenge

Connect and Challenge – be the best that you can be.


Supporting your child to learn Maths at home

Being mentally fluent with maths is at the heart of our curriculum. We are committed to ensure all our learners become fluent and competent mathematicians.  Research shows that the ability to recall maths facts fluently brings profound and wide-ranging benefits that have a lifelong, positive impact, enabling all learners to be more successful mathematicians. Our focus and determination to ensure all children are confident and fluent mathematicians is relentless and benefits from parental engagement.

All children have access to Times Tables Rock Stars, which is a carefully sequenced program of daily times tables practice aimed at securing the understanding and fluency of multiplication facts for all children. At RJS, we expect children to practise regularly – both at home and with opportunities at school – to ensure that the multiplication facts can be recalled fluently. We celebrate the children’s achievements through a weekly assembly, along with certificates to celebrate those learners who have made the most progress, secured the highest scores consistently, and those who have put the most effort in to their studies.

TT Rockstars is an online learning platform – this can be downloaded for free from the App Store. Please speak to your child’s class teacher if you require their log-in details.

Further resources to support your child to learn more about Maths at home. Once on the page, please scroll down to click on the ‘Maths’ tab.

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