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Transition and new parent information

Transition Information

Welcome to Ranvilles Junior School

Our school is a very happy, focused and special place to teach and learn though our curriculum entitled, ‘Exploring the World…Exploring Me!’. Our mantra is, ‘Be you…Explore…Excel’ and this reflects our passion to support and enable children to have a positive identity and outlook – to feel and be the very best they can be!

Please see below for information regarding transition arrangements for if we are welcoming your child from Year 2 to join Year 3, or if your child is ready to step from Year 6 onwards to Year 7 and secondary education.

Watch our school video:

Our Home/ School Agreement reflects our ambition for effective partnership to support your child’s wellbeing, safety and holistic growth in a supportive and caring environment. Click below for more details.

Year 2 to Year 3 Transition

Each year we look forward to welcoming our new group of children into Year 3. In order to aid smooth transition from Key Stage One to Key Stage Two, we offer a range of opportunities for children and parents:

  • Our Year 3 teachers visit the children in their classrooms (Ranvilles Infant School) .
  • Our Year 3 teachers meet with the Year 2 teachers to discuss learning as well as social and emotional needs .
  • The SEND coordinators meet from both schools to discuss and make plans for children with specific needs .
  • 2 visits are planned for children to spend the afternoon with their new Year 3 teacher .
  • Lunch time visits with their current teachers (Ranvilles Infant School) .
  • Parent information sessions  .
  • Parent school visits – guided tours by our Year 6 children and invitations to our open mornings .

Our Year three lead and SENDCo, Ms. Rachael Lenaghan, leads year 2 to 3 transition. If you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact her via the school office or

In addition to this, she will write to all parents of children identified on the SEND register at the infant school to discuss provision and invite them to meet during the summer term prior to children joining our school. If you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact her via the school office or

Year 6 to Year 7 Transition

Transition from Year 6 to 7 begins in Year 5 when parents and pupils are invited to begin looking at local secondary school tours to find out more to make a decision about the next stage of education.

Applications for secondary schools open in September and close in October of the year when your child is in year 6.

Notifications of places are released in March. From this point, we are able to begin working with the secondary schools to ensure a smooth transition for your child.

The transition programme will vary from school to school in terms of visits and content. As a Junior school, we ensure we communicate with every child’s secondary school, sharing learning and social and emotional information to support a smooth and effective transition.

Throughout the summer term of Year 6, we embark on a transition unit of work in school to support the children as they move forward.  Our Year 6 teacher and leader, Mrs Holmes, leads transition for Year 6 to 7. If you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact her via the school office or email at  We wish your child every success as they move to secondary school.

Please see the following links to local Secondary Schools in our area:

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