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Service Families and HMS Ranvilles

Service Families

Ranvilles Junior School is proud to have nearly one third of our children come from HM Forces families. Being seated in the heart of a Forces community we are passionate about supporting all military children who have parent(s) serving in our British Armed Forces.

Our Forces children (and families) often face unique challenges in their lives, including frequent school/house moves, as well as regular periods of separation from their serving parent for varying lengths of time due to training, operations, deployments and postings. We appreciate that this can be hard for all involved so we ensure that the services and opportunities our school offers is supportive to meet needs.

Enjoy our recent Rememberance Art Day video – a day of reflection across the whole school.

Our Service Child Premium Offer

We work with parents to identify the needs of children in order to ensure that we can support pupils as effectively as possible. Our team has the ability to offer both academic tuition and emotional support through the investment of time, expertise and provision. Please click on the button to the right to view our Service Child Premium Offer.

HMS Ranvilles

‘HMS Ranvilles’ – we have our own logo to acknowledge and celebrate our Forces children and families. HMS Ranvilles offers children:

  • a supportive environment to share thinking
  • a place to ‘drop-in’ to seek support if needed
  • the opportunity to talk with peers and key adults
  • resources to communicate with parents serving abroad (if possible)
  • opportunities to plan to share school work with a serving parent
  • opportunities to access additional academic support (if needed)
  • access to a Home / School Link Worker
  • access to ELSA (as required)
  • access to a school counsellor (if needed)
  • share experiences and celebrate their unique lives with everyone across the school.

Our Forces children and families are very much part of our whole school community. Throughout the course of the year there are many opportunities to focus as a whole school team.

Whole school activities include:

  • focused assemblies for Rememberance Day (presented by the Service children themselves),
  • Armed Forces Day celebrations where the Forces community join us and share their service values/careers with the school
  • April – Military Child month

Armed Forces Covenant

The Armed Forces Covenant logoWhat is the Armed Forces Covenant?

The Armed Forces Covenant is a promise that together we acknowledge and understand that those who serve or have served in the Armed Forces, and their families, should be treated with fairness and respect in the communities, economy, and society they serve with their lives.

Its two principles are that, recognising the unique obligations of, and sacrifices made by, the Armed Forces:

  • Those who serve in the Armed Forces, whether Regular or Reserve, those who have served in the past, and their families, should face no disadvantage compared to other citizens in the provision of public and commercial services.
  • Special consideration is appropriate in some cases, especially for those who have given most such as the injured and the bereaved.

What is being done?

The Covenant focuses on helping members of the Armed Forces community have the same access to Government and commercial services and products as any other citizen. This support is provided in a number of areas including:

  • healthcare
  • education and childcare
  • housing and accommodation
  • employment
  • financial services

You can find out how the Covenant supports you, as a member of the Armed Forces community.

Who implements it?

A wide range of different organisations implement the Covenant, including:

  • The UK Government and Devolved Administrations
  • The single Services (Royal Navy, British Army, and Royal Air Force)
  • Businesses of all sizes
  • Local government
  • The NHS
  • Schools
  • Charities

Some of these organisations sign the Covenant or make other commitments, or have a Legal Duty to consider it. Ranvilles Junior School is mindful of the covenant and committed to serving and supporting the children and local comminity.

What is the Covenant Legal Duty?

The Covenant Legal Duty is a legal obligation on certain public bodies (including local authorities, governing bodies of certain state schools, various NHS bodies, and other organisations) to have due regard to the principles of the Armed Forces Covenant when carrying out certain functions in healthcare, education and housing. It has been in force since November 2022.

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